14 August 2016

Ham and American Cheese Kolaches

I ate the kolaches that my hub bought at Buckee's store last month. They were delicious, and I love the stuffing inside of the kolaches. Simply, they were stuffed with ham and cheese. I love the cheese because it was totally melted, and the cheese was very soft. Actually, I made my own kolaches and stuffed ham and cheddar cheese in them. However, the cheese was melted when I baked the kolaches, and it became dry and tough when the kolaches were cool.

I am the beginner with cheese, so that is why I am trying to find down which cheese was stuffed in the Buckee's kolaches. 

Finally, I got a recipe from the internet that the owner uses American cheese to stuff her kolaches. When I saw her picture, and I really knew that I got the right thing. 

Guess what? My hub said that my kolaches are more delicious than Buckee's Kolaches. Hehehe

For the bread 
100 ml milk
80 ml water
40 gr butter

300 gr bread flour
30 gr sugar

1 tsp instant yeast

8 slices of American cheese
16 slices of ham
Preparing the dough
- Put the liquid ingredients (water, milk, and butter) into the bread pan. Then, put the dry ingredients into the bread pan. Form a well, and we will put the yeast into the well. Insert the bread pan into the bread maker. Choose the dough level.
Click here to know how to knead with the bread maker.
Click here to know how to knead with the hand mixer.
Click here to know how to knead by hands.
- Let the bread maker do its work. It takes about one and a half hours.
- Meanwhile, roll the ham and cheese. I got 8 ham and cheese rolls. You can skip this step if you want.

 When the dough is done, punch it, and take out of the bread pan.

- Divide it into 8 portions evenly.

- Shape each portion into a ball.

- Use the rolling pin to roll each portion. Place the ham and cheese roll on the dough. Roll it up, and use your palms to roll the kolache into a log.

- Place the kolaches on the baking pan.

- Cover it with a cooking towel. Set it aside 45 minutes. (The rising time is according to your room temperature).
- After the bread rises 30 minutes, preheat the oven at 350 F degrees.
- When the bread doubles in size, place the bread into the oven. Bake the bread in 20 minutes. 

- After 15 minutes put the foil onto the bread to prevent the bread from burning, or the bread might be tough.

- When it is done, take the baking pan out of the oven. Place the bread on the cooling rack to let it cool.


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