13 August 2016

How to rise the dough? Or to know the dough doubles in size?

Rising the dough is the most important step, I think. If the dough does not rise enough; in other words, it is not double in size, your bread might be explosible in the oven because the dough will raise quickly at the high temperature. Besides, they rose so quickly so they would flat quickly when you take them out of the oven. That is why I am here to let you know when the dough is really to shape and to bake.

There are two rising times. The first rising is for shaping, and the second is for baking.

The first rising (before shaping):

      Using your fingers:
Use your two fingers to poke the surface of the dough about a knuckle, quickly remove your fingers. If two holes on the surface do not change or become smaller, your dough is ready to shape. Otherwise, you need to raise the dough for a while, and you will poke it again to check.

      Using dough rising bucket:
You can buy the rising bucket if you want, but I did not buy it. All you need is just a bucket with the volume marking on the side. I just go to the market to buy a big cup with the volume on its side. Make sure its bottom and top are the same sizes.

Place your dough into the bucket, note the height of the dough. You just wait for it to rise until their height is double. It is lucky that my bucket from Walmart is suitable for my bread recipe. It is always at 1qt or 1 liter. Muaha muaha.
Before and after the first rising 
The second rising:
You will shape the dough into desired shapes so you can not poke the dough this time because you will release the air inside and the bread might be collapsed. I am sure that it is not easy to know that your bread is really double in size at that time or not when you look at your bread. Here is my way to know when they are about double in size.

All you need is a small cup (it is attached with cough medicine bottle), or any cups that have the volume remark on its side. I use a 30 ml-cup.
Place a small portion to the small cup. Mine is 15 grams.
Let's rise the small one together with the other bread at the same place.
When it is about double, it is time to bake your bread.
I hope it can help you a little bit. Now I am trying to write down all that I know about bread. I want to write them a long time ago, but I always thought that I have time, it is ok. Now I think I should do what I want because I really do not want to regret anything in my life again.


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