02 July 2017

How to knead the dough by hands?

I have never thought that I could make bread some days. I used to think about making bread, but I dared about kneading. As many people said that kneading process is tough, and you cannot do if you are an amateur. I remember that I used to find some bread recipes without kneading, and I did not try them later that because I thought that bread was a difficult thing to do. However, who can predict the future? I can bake bread now, of course, I knead the dough by hands.

Here is the kneading process for you are newbies is beginning to bake bread.

Add all ingredients that you prepared in a mixing bowl. Mix them well with a wooden spatula.

The kneading process includes stretching and folding the dough. You will stretch the dough with your palm, and fold the dough after stretching. You should repeat the kneading process for 8-10 minutes. 

Note: You should remember that you will never push the dough hard, just stretching it. If you push the dough hard, all the air in the dough will be gone. Consequently, your bread will not be fluffy anymore, and it will be tough like a rock. 

Your dough might be wet and sticky at this time. Do not worry about that, you just continue to knead the dough. It will be firm, and not stick to your hands or the work surface anymore. 

When it does not stick to your hands, you lift it up and bang it down the work surface five times to develop the gluten in the dough. 

Now, you can smell the fragrance of the bread as you can see air bubbles beneath the surface of the dough. You can feel the dough is very smooth and elastic. It is time to raise the dough.

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