26 August 2017

A New Chanel

Source: Internet
Hi guys, it has been a long time that I have not touched my blog. I moved into living with my big family, and I had not tried any recipes yet. It means that I have nothing to write. Lol.

Guess what? I just made my own Youtube Channel. Actually, my mind is like a sieve these days; on top of that, I cannot remember what I had done before. I was scared, and afraid a lot. Finally, in addition to my blog, I decided to make my channel to save my memories. Next time, I can see what I've done. I am trying to do it, and I am happy with what I am doing now. The channel is 2L's House, and it is all about my hobbies, such as cooking, sewing, crochet, etc.
My logo for my channel
I am doing on sewing projects nowadays because my channel is still a secret. I am so shy to let my family know as well as to film in the house, lol. If you are interested in sewing, just follow my channel. I hope you will enjoy it.

Hana Lee

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