06 October 2016

Dresses for summer

I bought a lot of fabrics when I came to The U.S. I thought that they are expensive here, and I am right. Everything costs an arm and a leg here. I did not regret when I brought my fabrics here. Hold on! I start to use my fabrics after 2 years from the day I came here. Hehehe.

Yeah! I decided to use them, not all of them today to sew some dresses for me. These fabrics are very cheap. Each piece cost about $1. I designed my dresses and sewn them on my own. I really love this dress. 
I look so pretty when I tried it on after I made it. Lol
This is so comfortable when I wore it. 
I look so fashionable in this dress even when it looks so simple.
Love you all my dresses! muaha muaha


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