14 September 2016

Vietnamese mini pancakes or gargle cakes - Recipe

My hubby and I really love mini pancakes, and this is one of my favorite cakes, lol. It is called gargle cake in my language because it sounds like it is gargling while we are frying it in the pan. 

There are many ways to make the batter because someone likes crispy, but we love cake soft and a little bit crispy outside.

1/2 bag of gargle flour
75 ml coconut cream
125 ml milk
400 ml water

350 ml coconut cream
5 green onion

200-gram shrimps (cut into cubes)
1 tsp of crushed garlic
2tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tbs of annatto oil (for color)
1 tbs green onion

1/8 lemon juice or vinegar 
1/4 fish sauce
1/4 +1/8 sugar
1/2 cup Luke warm water
Julienned carrots
Prepare the batter and the coconut cream:
- Mix all ingredients of batter in a mixing bowl. Then pour the batter into the bottles, and set it aside. 
- Mix sliced green onion and coconut cream in a small bowl, and set it aside.
Prepare the stuffing:
- Put 1/2 tsp of annatto seeds into a small bowl with 1/2 tbsp oil. Cover the bowl with a food wrap to prevent the oil split out. Place the bowl in the microwave, heat it a minute. We got annatto seeds oil now.
- Frying garlic until you can smell its aroma. Then, put the shrimps into the pan. Stir it well, then put 1/2 tbs of annatto oil, salt, and sugar. Then stir them well. When the shrimp is cooked, put green onion in, and mix them well.
Frying the pancakes
- Place the pan on the stove at low heat. When the pan is really hot (you can check how it hot by pouring some oil into the pan. If the oil boil, it is really hot), use the silicon brush to grease the pan. 
- Shaking the batter bottle for a while to make sure the batter is dissolved.
- Pour the batter into each mold of the pan. Just pour the batter half of the mold because you will add more coconut cream and shrimps. Rotate the pan to cover all the mold, and put coconut cream into the molds. Last, put the shrimps into the middle of the pancakes.
- Cover the lid to fry the pancakes in 7 minutes on low medium heat. After four minutes lift the lid up to release the steam.

- Use a small knife and a spoon to take the pancakes out. I forgot to take pictures of this step hehehe.

Preparing the dipping to serve with the pancakes:
- Put all dipping ingredients excepted chili and carrots together, stir them well until all ingredients are dissolved. 
- Put chili into the dipping.
- When you serve, put some carrots into the dipping.
- Serve mini pancakes with vegetables and dipping.
Oops! No vegetables here! Hehehe 


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