13 September 2016

Chicken meatball noodle soup

I tried to make chicken meatballs instead of beef meatballs yesterday because we ate a lot of beef this month.

Besides, we must eat noodles for a very long time this month because my hubby bought a lot of noodles. Lol. He bought for beef noodles last weekend, and he got a lot because of me. Hehehe.
 Here is the way I made my chicken noodles.

A. Soup
1 box chicken broth
8 chicken meatballs (the recipe is coming soon)
4 cloves
2 anise star
1 stalk of cinnamon
1 cardamon
B. Taste
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tbs fish sauce
1/2 tsp black pepper
20-gram rock sugar

C. Noodles and others
200-gram noodles
Green onion
Sliced spring onion

- Pour all A ingredients into a pot. Bring it to a boil.
- Then, put all B ingredients into the pot.
- Boil the noodles, and place in a bowl. Put sliced green and spring onion on the noodles.
- When the soup is boiled, pour the soup into the noodle bowl.
- Place the chicken meatballs on it to decorate. Hehehe
- Serve with hoisin sauce and chili sauce.


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