23 August 2016

Pandan coconut bread (with recipe)

Well, I am going to bake coconut bread today, and I put a little of pandan extract for color, so I call it panda coconut bread hehehe. While I am baking the bread, I could smell the fragrance of pandan and bread. What a combination! It was awesome. Believe me! You should try this recipe one time, and you will be addicted to it if you are a coconut and sweet bread lover.

I attempted to shape my bread into several shapes this time hehehe 
Trying to take a pic like a pro. Hehehe
The texture is so fluffy
For the bread
150 ml milk at room temperature 
40 grams of sugar
1 tsp of yeast
1/2 egg

250 grams bread flour

30 grams of unsalted butter at room temperature 

Filling (stuffing)
60-gram sweet coconut flake
1 tbsp milk powder
40 gram of sugar
30 gram of unsalted butter
1/2 tsp milk
1/8 pandan extract

Egg wash
1/2 egg
1 tbs of milk

Kneading the dough
*  I used the hand mixer to knead my dough, (click here to know how to knead the dough by a hand mixer)
- Put all the bread ingredients except the butter into the mixing bowl. Use a spatula to mix them all together. Then, use the hand mixer to knead it 1 minute, add butter to the dough, continue to knead the dough till you can get a window pane when you stretch the dough. This process takes 3-5 minutes (according to how powerful your hand mixer is).
* Using the bread maker to knead the dough,  click here to know how to knead the dough by a bread maker
- Add all ingredients into the bread pan exact the order: first liquid ingredients  (milk, butter, water), second dry ingredients (bread flour, sugar, etc), last yeast in a well that was formed by the handle of the spoon. Plug in and select dough level (mine is 9th speed).
Rising the dough (1st proof)
- Shape the dough into a ball, cover it with some oil to prevent it dry. There are two ways to raise the dough according to the kneading methods.

+ Kneading by hand mixer: place the dough into a rising bucket to rise the dough. Then rise the dough about 45 ~ 60 minutes (the time is according to your room temperature, it can take more time if your room is cold, otherwise it might be less). How to know when it doubles in size, click here.

+Bread maker method: put the dough back into the bread pan, the bread maker will do the rising step by itself. It takes 60 minutes with my maker.

Preparing the filling
Meanwhile waiting for the first proof, let prepare the filling. 
- Mix all the stuffing ingredients together

- Divide into 8 equal portions, and place it in the fridge.

Shaping the dough
- When the dough doubles in size, punch it. 

- Gently knead it. 

- Divide the dough into 8 even portions and a 15-gram portion (called mini dough), to help you know when your bread is ready to bake.

Then shape each portion into a small ball. 
- Shaping rose (I guess so, lol). There are 3 ways to shape rose, but I am satisfied with the last one because it really looks like a rose.

    + First method: use a rolling pin to roll each portion ion a circle with 2 mm-thick, then spreading the stuffing on the circle, use a pizza cutter to cut it 4~6 parallel strings (JUST CUT IN THE MIDDLE). Roll it up, tie it around.
    + Second method: this is the same the first one but I change the spreading step with the cutting strings step. 
I got the same shape with 2 methods so You can use whatever method you want.
    + Third method: use a rolling pin to roll each portion ion a circle shape with 2mm thick, then spreading the stuffing on the circle. Roll it up, then cut it in half along the length. We got 2 strings now. Ll we have to do is just braid 2 strings, and tie around it.

I love this method because my bread looks really like a rose hehehe.
- Another method to shape a flower:
    + Roll each portion into a circle not too thin. Put the stuffing into the middle of the dough. Tie it and use your palm to flatten it. Use a pizza cutter to cut it into 8 petals. Rotate each petal 90 degrees.

- When you shape the bread, just place it on the baking tray with a parchment paper on the tray.

Rising the dough- 2nd proof
- Use a cotton towel to cover the bead. Let it rise about 30~45 minutes (according to your room temperature). Click here to know when the bread is ready to bake.  If you want your bread rise quickly, just place it in the oven with the light on, but I do not recommend this method because the more you let the bread rise, the fluff your bead is but do not overproof.

- When the bread doubles in size, (checking the mini dough to know), apply egg-wash on the bread.
- Bake at preheated oven at 350 F degrees in 20 minutes or until the bread become golden brown.
Tip: When the bread becomes golden brown, to prevent your bread is burnt, cover the bread with a foil (the shining down).
- I am sure that your mouth is watering at this step because the combination between coconut and pandan is a unique combination that You will have never had. 
- Take the bread out of the oven when the time is up. Cool it down.
Here are my flowers after baking. hehehe
I do not know which flower is.
My rose hehehe
