25 July 2016

How to make soy sauce at home? Part 1. Fermented soy sauce by miso paste

I fermented soy sauce last year, and I did not take pictures because I was not sure that I could succeed or not. hehehe. I called it "raw soy sauce because it was not processed yet. I just processed my soy sauce, and posted the way to do it on my blog. Haizz I have to write the way to make the raw soy sauce from soybean and miso paste.
A year
There are many ways to ferment the raw soy sauce, but I like this way mostly because it is easy and convenient. I got the recipe from Huong Hawaii at quinhon11.com website. Thanks, Huong Hawaii and Mrs. QN for sharing the recipe. I appreciated.


1 pounds of soybean
220-gram salt water
2 liters of water
1/2 cup Miso paste


- Prepare the container: cook the glass container in boiled water a minute,  let it dry. You can dry it by placing it in the oven at 200 F degrees. This is very important step because you might throw your raw soy sauce away if the container is dirty because of bacteria.

- Roast the soybeans on medium-low heat, use the wooden spatula to stir them well until their skins become brown golden.
- Check soybeans to take out the bad once (they might cause your soy sauce's taste badly).
- Wash the roasted soybeans several times.
- Pour water and soybeans into a pot, bring it to a boil over medium-high heat, 20 minutes.
- Drain off the water into another pot or a big measuring cup, and keep the soybean in the pot. Measure the water from the pot so that it is 1,5 liters, if the water is less than 1.5 liters, pour some water in it to 1.5 liters. Pour back the water into the pot with the soybean in it.
- Put salt into the pot, stir well, and bring it to a boil again.
- Turn off the heat, set it aside to cool it down.
- When it is warm, put the miso (yeast) in it, and stir well. Make sure the water is warm when you put the miso paste in. Otherwise, the yeast might die. 
- When it is totally cold, pour it into a glass container, and cover its lid with food wraps, then tapes. Make sure the tape is thick because you will place it outside.

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