25 July 2016

My weekend

Yay, today is Monday. It means I have to study hard because my teacher is so tough. I get a lot of homework every day, so I do not have enough time to do what I love anymore. Last weekend, I just finished my first test, so I felt that I was free. Muaha muaha.
Saturday, I decided to try some recipes, and they were failed after all. I forgot to put butter in my bread, so the dough was too tough. However, it tasted so good and the taste that I got from my childhood. Thanks, Van Ngoc Nguyen for sharing a great recipe. I am going to try her recipes soon. Hehehe

 I tried to make my first cookies, and it turned out so-so. Anyways, I love them.
My hub said that I was failed because I did not concentrate on what I was doing, and I was doing many things at a time, so that was.
 Sunday, I made meatballs for myself because I really want to eat them. Of course, I did not do many things at a time, but I did many things a day. Lol
I used the broth from boiling meatballs to make noodles for us, and my hub loved it so much. He is a very quiet person, so he never shows his emotion when he gets excited, and he never drinks the soup when he eats noodles. What a surprise! He drank a lot of soup yesterday and said that this is so delicious. Soap soap!!! 
Loaves, so dark 
Matcha yogurt
Kimchi for noodles
Stir vegetables and squids for today.
What a weekend!


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