11 April 2016

Beef meatball recipe - Recipe form runawayrice.com

That was the first time I was sick from the day I came here. It was awful, though. I could not do anything at all. I felt like I want to eat a beef meatball, and we decided to went out for beef noodle. The problem was that they gave me a small beef meatball, and it was yucky. I felt like I was eating a flour meatball instead of beef meatball. It does not taste like beef. T_T.

After I went home, I decided to make beef meatball by myself. I found a lot of recipes online; Finally, I came up with this recipe from the owner of runawayrice.com. I love the way she shows us how to use the food processor machine to make meatball more rubbery.

Thanks, Ms. Trang for sharing the recipe. I am appreciated. Due to the lacking of ingredients, here is the recipe.

Preparing to make meatball

1 lb 90/10 ground beef
2 tbs very cold water (Put some ice in a cup of water, and we get ice water)
1 + 1/2 tbs fish sauce
1/2 tbs sugar
1/2 tbs potato starch
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tbs vegetable oil ( I skip it)
1 tsp vinegar (I skip)

Put 2 tbs very cold water, 1 + 1/2 tbs fish sauce, 1/2 tbs sugar, 1/2 tbs potato starch, and 1/2 tsp ground black pepper into the same bowl, and mix them well.

Then add 1/2 tsp baking powder in the mixture.
Add beef in the mixture, and mix them well.
Put the meat in a plastic bag or zipper bag (I prefer the plastic bag because it is bigger than the zipper bag that I had). Use the roll to roll the meat as thin as possible. My meat will be frozen quickly.
Place the meat in the freezer 1 + 1/2 hour.
Take the meat out. use the knife to divide the meat into 3 equal batches. Because my food processor is small, so I divide each batch into 3 small equal batches. Totally, I got 9 small equal batches.
Put the first batch into the food processor.
Place the remaining in the freezer.
According to Ms. Trang, here is the way she did. Pulse the meat 10 times. Scrape down the edges of the prep bowl and spread out the meat if it has clumped together. Process for 10 seconds. Scrape around the bowl again. This is one cycle.
Repeat this pulse/process cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 cycles. Take the meat in the processor out and freeze it with the third batch (Trang).
The first and third batches 
Repeat the same thing with the second batch, what we have done with the first batch. Meanwhile, place the first and third batches in the freezer.

When the second batch is done, place the second and the first in the freezer while we are working on the third one.
The first and the second batches in the freezer

When the third batch is done, put the first and second batches together.

Pour oil in it (I skip this step because my food processor is small, and the meat came out of my machine hehehehe)

Process for 30~45 seconds.
Place the meat in the freezer for 1 hour before we cook it. Forgot to take the picture at this step hehehe.

Preparing to cook meatball (making soup)
1 medium onion
3 shallot
1 small root of ginger
2 anise star
Shredding and baking them at 350 F degree
Shape the meat into a small ball while boil water with onion, ginger, anise star, and shallot. Preparing a big bowl with water and ice in it
When the soup boils, let it simmer 5~7 minutes. Transfer the meatball to the ice water, and let them in about 1 minute.
Drain and eat hehehehe
Deep fried and serve with chili sauce, hoisin sauce yum yum!
Serve with noodles 
Tip: we can keep the soup to make beef noodles, the soup is so sweet and smells so fragrant.


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