12 April 2016

Aloe vera yogurt recipe

I used to eat aloe vera yogurt a lot when I was living in my country. I love its taste very much. Today, I try to make aloe vera yogurt on my own. Cross my fingers now hehehe. 

Here is my way to make aloe vera yogurt.
200gr Aloe vera (for 4 jars)
1 batch of plain yogurt

Place the starter in the room temperature.

Preparing aloe vera
Peel one side of the skin of aloe vera
Cut little by little 
Finally, slice the whole aloe vera out of the other side of the skin
Rinse several times until the sap gone away, and drain it.
Soak it 5minutes in cold water with lemon juice.
Rinse and drain 6 times again
Boil water, pour the aloe vera in the boiled water, 45 second
Drain the aloe vera and put them into a bowl with water and sugar. Set it aside 45 minutes.

I make 3 plain yogurt jars so I can save a jar for a starter next time.

After I pour yogurt into 3 jars. I put aloe vera into the mixture. 
The aloe vera will be on the surface of the mixture, so I do not need to mix them. I only pour the mixture with aloe vera into the jars
Cross my fingers now hehehe. The first time I use pic collage app hehehe.

Update: my aloe vera yogurt is done. It is soooo cool. Hehehe



  1. Look yummy!! I am gonna try next time

  2. I did not know that alo vera can make with yogurt. Interesting!
