19 February 2016

Vegan broth recipe

I have made vegan broth several times for a very long time. It was easy to make. It is very delicious, though. It tastes very sweet. 


1 corn
1 radish
1 carrot
1 sweet dried radish 
1 Fuji apple
1 manioc
4 liters of water
10 gr rock sugar

- Peeling their skins
- Cleaving them into a small pieces 
- Pouring water and putting the others into a big pot
- Stewing 2 hours. Turning off the heat, set it aside 2 hours. 
- Taking out everything and keeping the water to cook other meals.

You can put onion in it if you do not mind the smell

My vegan noodle 
My wonton noodles, I don't need to use bones to make the broth for it

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