06 July 2012

Making bean sprouts at home


100 gr - Soybean (you can choose any kind of bean that you like) we can get 500grs bean sprouts
500 ml - warm water (about 40 degrees)
1 plastic basin ( you can use a pot)
Tissue paper 

1 empty drinking water bottle (if you don't have a sprayer)


Before going to work
1. Rinse and drain soybean a few time over. Pick out any rotten soybean.
2. Put the soybean into a basin and adding about 500ml warm water. Keep them for 8 hours. It takes about 5 minutes to do no.1 &2.

After finishing working and go home
3. Rinse and drain soybean and pick out soybean shells.
4. Arrange soybean in the plastic basin so that all of the soybeans are not overlapping.
5. Put tissue paper on the soybean and spray some water on the tissue paper.
6. Cover the plastic basin and put them in darkness area. It takes about 10 minutes to finish from no.3 to no.6.
7. Spray some water 2 times (in the morning before going to work, in the evening after finishing working).
8. After 4 - 5 days, Bring them to the sunshine before 1 day and we can harvest it.

Making a crop sprayer:
Bore some small hole on the cover of the bottle. 
Pour the water into the bottle. Cover the bottle. We had a crop sprayer now.


* If you want the sprout fat, you can put some heavy thing (a little heavy, not too much heavy) above the tissue paper (a plate,...or anything you have). Remember to take out this one before you spray water.
* You see, we take only 15 minutes for preparing and take 1 minute for 1 day. After 4-5days we will get 500 grams of bean sprouts.
* We can cook bean sprout salad, soup, eat raw... I will show u some recipes I make from bean sprouts later.

P/S: Because I don't know how to upload the picture. So I will make it next time (if I can hehehe)
Hope you enjoy it.
See you next time


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