11 October 2016

How to plant chili trees at home?

I will have a buzzing when I eat spicy food. However, I love spicy food but not too spicy. I love the taste of fresh chilli because it is fragrant and delicious, so I planned to plant a chilli tree so far. Hehehe. I got the chili seeds from Sammi. This chilli is really spicy and fragrant.
Here is my way to grow chili trees at home for you Gemma. I believe that you can succeed because it is not as hard as you thought.


Remember! In both methods you will need to water the plants everyday, chilli trees love water.

The first method: Inside the house
15 Apr
- Soak your chilli seeds in warm water overnight. (176 C degree is appropriate for the seeds to germinate).
Your chilli seeds must dry out before you start to sow them.
- Use plastic bottle to prepare soil for your seeds. 
- Cut the plastic bottle in 3 portions. Measuring from the bottom up to 2 inches, and mark it. Then measuring from the mouth of the bottle down to 4 inches, and mark it.
- Cut at the marks. Throw the middle. Place the top upside down on the bottom part. Put soil into the pot.

- In the morning, place each seed in the center of the pot. Pour some water on it and cover them with a plastic bag. Dark place is a good place to germinate.

16 Apr (2 days)
There is a seed already germinated.
 17 Apr. (the third day)
More seeds germinated.
18 Apr (the forth day)
3 of them are already tall.
19 Apr ( The fifth day)
They still look the same yesterday.
I bring the taller ones near to the window to get sunshine.
21 Apr (the eighths day)
5 trees has grown.
24 Apr ( eleventh)
Got one more just grew up. The last one did not germinate.
30 Apr (15th day)
More leaves appeared.
3 May (18th day)
They have gotten the 5th leaf, so it is time to bring them to my friend. It is also time to plant them in bigger pots or permanent pots.
4 May (19th day)
The remaining are waiting for giving to Sammi and my uncle.
25 May (40th day)
My tree is already getting bigger and bigger.
31 May (46th day - 1 and 1/2 months)
It is taller than before now.
14 Aug (90th day- 3 months)
I could not believe in my eyes. It became taller and blossoms. However, it flowers was blossomed and felt down, then. It does not bear fruits. Lol. Cross my fingers. As Sammi suggested me to water it with milk and water, I did not do that because it was out of milk at that time hehehe.

Pluck leaves this time to help it bears fruits. Because there are many leaves, the tree cannot bear fruits.
12 Sep (4th month)
The first chili appeared.
14 Sep 4 month 2 days
Many chilli were born.
30 Sep (5 and 1/2 months)
The chilli becomes bigger.
8 Oct
Harvest them the first time. This chilli is delicious when its color is white or orange.
9 Oct almost 6 months 
Decided to present it to my uncle because it is bearing fruits a lot. 
In my car
Good bye my love.

The second method: Outside the house
When I sown the chilli inside the house, I tried to sow them outside the house as well. Actually, both of them are growing great and bear as well. 

You can sow your chilli outside, but I recommend you to sow your chilli inside the house. I live in the second floor, so there are no snails, ants, or inserts like the ground is. If your house is on the ground, don't use the second method to sow your trees. Snails and ants might eat and steal your seeds. They love the seeds. The inserts might destroy your trees when the trees are too young and weak.

I recommend you sow the trees inside your house, and then move them out when I have the fifth leaf. Plant them to the permanent pots.

- Your chill tree will blossom at the 3th month (or more , according to the weather condition) , pluck leaves to help it bear fruits.
- Harvest your chilli when your chilli change its color. Don't let them ripe too much. Your tree will not bear fruits more because it must feed the ripe ones. Besides, the chilli will continue riping when it is in your kitchen.
- Be patient! Your chilli tree will bear fruits after 3~4 months, so just water it everyday, and keep calm. Good luck!!!


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