01 August 2016

Pineapple cookies

This is the first time that I made cookies. Actually, I see this recipe from a blog, and the owner calls them as pineapple tarts. I call them as cookies because they look like the cookies that I bought from the store. Hehehe. 

My hub loves pineapple, so he bought a box of pineapple cookies, but the pineapple was stuffed inside the cookies a little bit. He was not satisfied with them, of course. The reason why I made pineapple cookies is that... Hehehee

My cookies taste so good, but he is not satisfied with them because the dough is too soft, and it is dissolved immediately when he had not swallowed it yet. That is why he could not taste it.
I ate one cookie every day when I came home from my class. They tasted so good. Omg. Hahaha
My hub ate the rest of my cookies last weekend, and now I do not have any cookies. Haizz. Hopefully, I will make them more.


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