01 April 2016

Pizza's story

          I have never thought that someday, I can make pizza. Making pizza idea just came because of yucky, oily American pizza. Actually. when I lived in the North of Texas state, I usually ate Domino's Pizza. This store made pizza so well. I love the crust and the topping on it. Yummy! My mouth is watering now. hehehe. When I moved to live in the South, I was really excited to buy Domino's pizza. All I got from this store was dumb. The pizza was so salted and was so oily.  I decided to make pizza on my own after that.

My 2nd batch pizza
           When I started to make my pizza, I realized that it was not tough. Hehehe. Because I knew well (in my opinion) about bread, that is why I could do well on pizza. After a couple of days, I was reading the book in the library, the web on the internet, I really knew that pizza was different from bread, such as the way we knead the dough, the way we bake, the ratio of the ingredients, and the percent of water in pizza.
It is hard to shape my dough to a circle 
Finally, I can make pizza on my own. I also make tomato sauce for my pizza. My hub loves the sauce even when he is a tomato hater. hehehe.
In the oven, I used my skillet cast iron instead of a pizza stone

There is a big bubble on it when I rolled the dough
Pizza recipe will be coming up in next time. Hehehe. 
My first pizza


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