27 January 2016

Frying tofu without using oil

I am a tofu lover. I love to eat tofu all the time. It is not easy to cook tofu without frying them, isn't it? It is crushed when you cook it. Right? We need to fry them all the time when we cook, excepted hard tofu. However, I do not like much oil in my meals, how can I solve this problem? It was when I found the way hocnauancooking.com did. She is so smart about it. She fried the tofu without using oil. Yes. Actually, she baked the tofu.

Here is the way I fry tofu (baking tofu) hehehe

Preheat the oven 350 Fahrenheit degrees

Step 1: place tofu on the baking pan, I use parchment paper between tofu and the pan to avoid cleaning the pan.

Step 2 
Put the tofu in the oven

Step 3 bake them within 30 mins
After 10 minutes, turn the tofu over. Repeat it every 10 mins.



Cooking time is according to your oven. If your oven is so hot, you must reduce the cooking time. 

Just look at the tofu's skin. If they turn into yellow, it is time to take them out of the oven. 

Don't bake them too long and too yellow. Your tofu will be crunchy and chewy. I do not like that. 

This is my first baking tofu, it is a little crunchy, but I love it

After baking, you can use them to make the other recipes. 


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